03. Very Private Together talk – Aug 30th 2024
The team discussed the challenges and potential solutions for artists and writers, including the value of theoretical research, the practicalities of freelancing, and the importance of networking and self-promotion. They also explored different artistic techniques. The conversation touched on the concept of success.
Thesis Writing and Theoretical Research
Mo shared his plan to write a thesis in the remaining six months of his program, expressing doubts about producing a thesis he would be proud of within such a short timeframe. Taaye and Esra clarified that a final project was not required, only a written thesis. The group discussed the value and practicality of theoretical research in fields such as film theory and architecture. Mo expressed his belief that theoretical research may not help build practical applications. Esra highlighted the usefulness of PhD theses in providing data and research context for these fields, and Mo agreed, mentioning a specific example of a published thesis.
Challenges and Limitations of Freelancing Creativity
The team discussed the challenges and limitations of freelancing, particularly in creative fields like art and design. They noted that freelancers often struggle with work-life balance, as they are selling their time rather than owning assets or scaling up their business. The team also discussed the difficulties of breaking into certain sectors, like construction and small businesses’ market share limitations. They highlighted the importance of quality over quantity in artistic production and the value of having a team for support. The conversation also touched on the exploitative nature of some gallery systems and the pressure on young artists to produce a high volume of work.
Balancing Time Between New Work and Value
The team discussed the challenges artists face in increasing the value of their work. Mo highlighted the issue of artists needing to produce more to improve their asset value and spend less time on each piece to break the vicious circle of low sales. Taaye and anna argued that producing more does not necessarily solve the problem and that time should be invested in making existing work more valuable. They suggested that artists must balance their time between producing new work and improving the value of their existing portfolio. The team also discussed the intricacies of the art world, focusing on the role of reputation, networking, and skill in building a successful career. They highlighted the importance of being part of the right circles and participating in the right events and the need to protect and market one’s work effectively.
Comparing Art and Film Industries
The team compared the art world and the film industry, highlighting the differences in their priorities and the skills required for success. They discussed the challenges faced by artists in both fields, including financial constraints and the elitist nature of the high art world. The team also explored the importance of networking, audience engagement, and the role of traditional art clubs in the industry. They concluded that while alternative routes to success exist, the traditional art club remains a significant factor in the art world.
Discussing Fame, Success, and Residency Programs
Taaye shared a Chinese proverb about the risks of fame at a young age, using her high school friend Wu Yi Fan as an example. The team discussed the potential causes of his scandal and compared it to Kim Kardashian’s situation. They also discussed the concept of success in the art world, emphasizing that it should be defined on a personal level and not necessarily through financial gain. The team also shared their experiences with residency programs, with anna highlighting the importance of selecting serious artists and providing a space for living and working. Taaye shared her recent experience in Taiwan and Mo advised her to focus on intensive experiences rather than tourism.
Exploring Nihonga Technique and Identity
Taaye introduced a new artistic technique she had been exploring called Nihonga, which involves using natural materials to create pigments and binders. Taaye’s enthusiasm for this technique was evident, and she shared her plans to write an article about her process and choices. Greg provided feedback on Taaye’s art, emphasizing the importance of personal identity and style. The group also discussed the creativity of other artists who use their environment, such as burning plants to make ink or finding charcoal on cement. Esra expressed interest in the materials and considered incorporating more physicality into her own work.
Exploring Yin Tai Art and Collaborations
Taaye, Mo, and Greg discussed the art form of yin tai, a painting technique originating from Dunhuang, China. Taaye initially showed reservations about this art form due to its lack of recognition in the Asian community. Mo emphasized the cultural bias towards wall-based art and its potential as a strength or weakness. Taaye agreed to explore this art form further, and Mo suggested she connect with local cartographers for more insights. The conversation also touched on the idea of finding creative outlets for professionals who deal with subjects like rocks and earthquakes, with Mo suggesting collaboration with local museums and passionate hobbyists. Greg cautioned against stretching the subject matter too far from Taaye’s existing bird paintings.
Taaye’s Travel Adventures and Future Plans
During her three-week trip to Asia, Taaye shared her recent networking experiences and immersion in various cultures. She expressed her passion for travel and learning about different cultures, mentioning her interest in studying Indian frescoes and American cave paintings. Mo and Greg discussed the potential for Taaye to visit a cave in China, and Greg offered to send Taaye an article about a famous cave explorer in the family. Taaye also revealed her plan to take a two-week course to explore a new medium, which she enjoyed and plans to pursue further upon her return to Canada.
Art School Discussion and Travel Plans
Taaye introduced Neil, an artist who runs a school in Beijing offering advanced art classes. Taaye shared that she received a Canadian government grant for her upcoming trip to Taiwan. Mo mentioned his plans to write a thesis and visit Beijing, while Greg shared her dream of doing an artist residency on the train from Italy to Beijing.
Rod and Belt Train and Future Plans
Taaye introduced the concept of the “Rod and Belt Train,” a strategic program for military and cultural exchange, and shared her experiences with a tour guide from Iran. The group engaged in a light-hearted conversation about age, future aspirations, and the importance of reinventing oneself throughout life. Taaye also discussed her plans for a collaboration with a Taiwanese artist on an exhibition and her experiences with networking. The conversation touched on various themes, including animal exploitation, the relationship between birds and rocks, and the concept of success. The group agreed to continue their discussions in future meetings, and Mo shared his plans to write a book review and eat healthier.
Very Private Together talk – Aug 30st 2024
The team discussed strategies for success in various fields, focusing on the arts, academia, and freelancing, and the importance of original research and net...
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